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What are the specifications of electronic truck scale in daily use?

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What are the specifications of electronic truck scale in daily use?

Date of issue: 2019-08-28 Author: Click:

Electronic truck scale is a large-scale weighing equipment. The truck scale is often used in the open air environment, which is very easy to wear. Therefore, in daily use and operation, we need to pay more attention to maintenance. Only in this way can our truck scale be better used for us and its service life be better extended. For specific operation precautions, please refer to the article on daily use specifications of electronic truck scale in detail. Electronic weighbridge manufacturer I hope it can help everyone.

The electronic truck scale is a precision measuring instrument, which generally involves the combination of sensors, microprocessors, wireless transceiver, display, printing and other electronic weighing techniques. Only by correctly using the electronic truck scale and making its output data accurate and reliable can it play a positive role in the management and development of enterprises. Therefore, we must have a full understanding of the product when using it. The following is a detailed explanation of the daily use specifications of electronic truck scale.

Daily use specification of electronic truck scale:

1. Carefully read the product instruction manual and relevant data provided by the manufacturer, understand the product before use, if necessary, go to the manufacturer for training, and operate with certificate.

2. In combination with the nature of the work of the enterprise, the corresponding management system shall be formulated, which shall be operated, managed and maintained by specially assigned personnel. Non metrological personnel are strictly prohibited to operate and use. Conditional units have special places to store electronic truck scales, and the power supply of weighing system shall be turned off in non metrological state.

3. Regularly verify the accuracy of the electronic truck scale, especially the electronic truck scale used for trade settlement before its first use, and make corresponding periodic verification records and current operation records, and timely eliminate problems found.

4. When the electronic truck scale fails, it shall be repaired in time, and maintenance records shall be made to record the failure in detail. What are the components, names and models replaced during the maintenance of the electronic truck scale, and how to maintain and use the electronic truck scale for reference in future maintenance. In particular, changes in some electronic weighbridge parameters, such as internal code value of calibration parameters, wireless communication frequency, etc., are generally filled in by the manufacturer for maintenance, and a copy is left for the user.

5. Keep the whole electronic truck scale clean. In particular, the display instrument and micro printer can be cleaned with neutral cleaning, such as anhydrous alcohol. It is important to clean them in a dusty and humid environment. Timely cleaning can reduce unnecessary wear and prolong service life.

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key word: Electronic weighbridge technology , Electronic weighbridge parameters , Electronic weighbridge maintenance

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